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 wedenesday 22nd february


Wednesday 2nd February 2022
LO - To create a realistic green screened clip using imovie

what is included under special effects?
-weapons and gunshots
-green screen

what does CGI mean?
-computer generated imagery, special visual effects using computing software describes digitally-created images in film and television 

Wednesday 9th February 2022
LO - To plan and construct an effective green screen scene

creating my own green screen-plan
scene - cowboy fighting scene 
background image - desert
position of people in scene:
- Natasha - behind the camera
- Paige - fighter one
- Abbie - fighter two
script - Paige fake punches Abbie and shoots her first (no dialogue)
props - hats, guns, ponchos, sound effects (gunshot and fake ponchos etc.) 

we filmed a wild west fighting scene where me and Abbie have a fight. We were trying to do a fight that looked somewhat realistic.


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