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 wedenesday 22nd february

music magazines

Monday 20th March
conglomerate - a thing consisting of a number of different and distinct pars or items that are grouped together
globalised - develop or be developed so as to make international influence or operation possible
diversify - make or become more diverse or varied
regulation - an official rule or the act of controlling something
revenue - the money generated form normal business operations, calculated as the average sales price times the number of units sold
circulation - count of how many copies of a particular publication are distributed

who publishes...
TV - future PLC's group of weekly television listings magazines
radio times - immediate media
TV choice - H, Bauer publishing
take a break - H Bauer UK
good housekeeping - Jane Francisco
glamour - Condé Nast publications
inside soap - Hearst magazines

regulation research:
there are over 80 Bauer media UK magazines
operates over 150 radio brands including absolute radio, KISS, hits radio networks, magic, RMF and mix megapool
Bauer media group is a diversified media conglomerate because it has a network of over 100 magazines, 150 radio stations, 70 podcasts and 500 websites

companies that own British magazines
Bauer media
immediate media company
future publishing ltd

Monday 17th April
LO - to identify and explain different music genres
-heavy metal
rock bands tend to have scruffy hair along with many accessories such as bandanas, sunglasses, hats and a lot more. their fashion is associated with punk rock and goth subcultures, this could include things like tight jeans, leather jackets and studded belts. rock bands often use electric instruments to instrument their music. Their performances are usually energetic and catchy. Rock music branches out to a lot of themes. this could include themes like romantic love, social concerns, drugs and lifestyles.
pop groups wear clothes that are inspired by items that are popular at that certain period of time. In this example they are wearing cropped clothing and a variety of colours. Their hair is natural, but styled. branding clothing is widely used as it is popular at this time.

rap artists often wear baggy clothes that are part of their style or very vintage clothing. they also wear their jeans low for comfort. they often rap about their rough life growing up.

the first image shows you the genre of rap because of the use of gold jewellery which is used frequently in hiphop. also the baggy clothes show the genre being rap.

Rock bands have a scruffy look and style with additional styles and accessories to reach their target audience 

Monday 15th May
LO - to explore the terminology and genres of popular music magazines

billboard is a pop magazine. This is shown through the pop artist on the front of cover. Also the cover reinforces the idea of it being pop. This idea consists of the bright colour palette and female artists.

hammer is a rock genre magazine. this can be shown through the dark colours and costume choice. the band includes dark, emo clothing which shows the rock genre.

typography - the style and appearance of printed matter
layout - the way in which things are arranged out
lexis - the total stock of words in a language
colour palette - a combination  of colours that are displayed
mise-en-scene - the arrangement of scenery, props etc. on stage of a theoretical production or on set of a film

the typography of hammer uses san serif font although does contain some serif font. The layout of this makes it easy for the audience to be able to figure out the genre, by using a big, red headline. The colour palette also reinforces the genre being rock. The costume also give the impression that the magazine is about rock because of the dark, leather and cropped clothing used on the main image on the cover.

Monday 5th June

the colour palette is very bright, vivid and feminine, which could portray innocence and friendliness. the font of the magazines suggests sophistication.

rock magazines focus solely on a dark colour palette to portray the genre and could also suggest power and formality. 

have a colour palette of black and red to portray the violence and meaning to their songs. they use a close up shot to show the facial expressions 

genre and target audience
LO - to identify target audiences for a variety of music magazine genres and link to genre codes

magazine - 
audience - age, interest, gender 

demographics - look at the factual data like age, gender, marital  status and income
psychographics - look at lifestyles, behaviours and attitudes                                                         

this magazine cover appeals more to people who are more interested in fighting and typically more loud and violent people. the red, white and black show seriousness and determination. the capitalise on the title shows boldness. the majority of the audience would be male because of the main image of the front cover.

-playing the violin shows that she is talented
-use of props seem more interesting to the target audience 
-the colour palette is soothing and neutral to create a calming effect and feel to the audience
-her clothes are classic and elegant which overall gives a calming environment

Monday 19th July          MOJO audience
LO - to explore and define the magazine's target audience 

genre - it varies around many different music genre such as classic, modern rock, folk, soul, country to reggae, experimental and electronic
circulation figures - mojo magazines have 50,000 print copies and 10,000 digital copies
publisher - Bauer
target audience - mojo magazines target an upmarket, mature audience appealing more ages 30-45+
examples of artists featured -  queen, the zombies, harry Belafonte, prince, gang of four

the luxury brands are the most successful during the time of the competition from online media 
these luxury brands use the advantage of print media high quality photography, conventions and sophisticated media language. this attracts advertising from high status brands. MOJO magazine use some of these qualities, but uses stuff that are cheaper to produce. but it also retains enough quality to enable it to survive. 

if you buy the magazine you can get 30 pages+ of the best of that month's music, both classic and contemporary

class: equal share of middle class and working class readers
gender: four times as likely to be read by men than women
age: about 65% are over 35 years old

-how they access music - listened to it in his teenage years and began to explore the most timeless, enduring rock bands
-hobbies and interests - interest in bands like artic monkeys
-personality - he is a fan of live music 
-relationship to music - became a frequent user to streaming services, listened to his favourite bands in the car hour or with family and friends
why they like mojo - they want the CDs and magazine

uses entertainment and informations

Monday 3rd July
question one
film - BBFC
tv and radio - OFCOM
advertising - ASA
magazines and newspapers - IPSO + IMPRESS

question two
both of the music videos use mise-en-scene to differentiate from each other. in sk8er boi the people have dark, punk clothing to fit the overall setting of the video environment. whilst on the other hand, teenage dirtbag uses school clothes to back up the narrative of the video of it being in a school

question three
the producers of radio programmes target different audiences by using different music genres, they use pop music to attract the younger audience and older more rock music to engage the older audience. for example, R1 live lounge uses pop so younger people will listen. radio programmes also give local news for citizens living in the local radio town. By attracting the local town will give the radio a permanent audience. commercial radios use adverts to to gain money, but in contrary to this, R1 live lounge are a PSB-TV license, which are funded by license fees instead of advertisements. Radio programmes' use of presenters feature a lot in targeting different audience. In R1 live lounge, they use young presenters and use slang language, which is solely aimed at the younger audiences. they do this so the radio can have the same perspective as the audience to boost their targeting.

question seven
a film company can strengthen the brand image of the film and it franchise by releasing a video game linked to a film so audience can develop more brand awareness of the film and upcoming sequels

question eight
Personal identity - recognising theirselves in the characters
Information - video game (more about characters)
Entertainment - interesting, fun, exciting 
Social interaction - talk to friends about it, talk about lego sets, video games, movie  

Monday 17th July
LO - to identify audiences for a music magazine and analyse for the representations present


codes and conventions 
-main image
-cover lines
-pull quote

Monday 11th September
do now:
the magazine is aimed at both men and women as the main image is of drake. the male audience may like drakes music and the female audience may find drake attractive. the colour palette also suggests that the magazine is aimed at both male and female audiences' because the yellow, white and black colours used are all gender neutral colours.

you can tell that the second magazine is aimed at a educated and cultured audience based on the posh, musical instrument. this shows education and experience of an instrument not many people use. the sophisticated language also shows education and familiarity. along with the specialised language that links witch music.

LO: to explore the appeal of Mojo magazine to its target audience                    

active audience:
a magazine audience is an active audience because reading is being active and productive. the reader has the choice to read, reread or skip any part of the magazine, which involves their thinking of what to do. a magazine is more engaging which is also why it has an active audience. the audience also has to think and decide what magazine they want to buy.

users & gratifications:
Personal identity
Social interaction
personal identity:
a mojo magazine reader may gain personal identity from this magazine because of madonna portraying rebellious features through the use of black and white and madonna's style. someone may listen to madonna often and see her as their favourite artist considering she has been popular for four decades. the audience can find personal identity through the mojo magazine as they usually use artists that have been around for decades.

this content page provides information to the audience because it gives them informative contents that they might not already know. it can give the audience a deeper understanding of music through the informative words and can make them
feel more connected to the magazine.
a mojo reader may get entertainment from this because this magazine offers a range of interactive things that come with is including a CD in which the audience can listen to their favourite artists. it also gives the audience a visual of an attractive superstar that you wouldn't see in your everyday life. this give the reader a chance to move from reality and interact and gain entertainment. the cover lines provide comedy and gossip to intrigue the audience into further reading their magazine.

social interaction:
mojo magazine also provide social interaction to the audience through gossip which can lead to debates and conversations between the readers and friends. most magazines have similar formats that readers may see as possible real life interactions.

this magazine cover appeals to its target audience because it specifies people taste because of the punk rock look. the makeup look may reach the audience at a personal level through their liking of punk rock. there is some informative information on the front cover to give the audience an insight of what is going to be inside the magazine. there is a free CD inside the magazine to give the audience an aspect of entertainment, the magazine may also include interactive things for the audience to keep hooked. The magazine also provides social interaction through people discussing the CD and other parts of information throughout. 

Monday 18th September                 music industry: Q1 and Q2
LO - to understand exam style questions and practice exam technique

question one: (one mark)
1) Ofcom
2) BBC
3) a broadcast for public benefit
4) convergence
5) diversification 
6) conglomerate

question two: (four marks) 
music radio stations meet the requirements of public service broadcasting by producing broadcast that benefit the public. Radio 1 live lounge does this by informing, educating and entertaining the audience, by adding popular and also up and coming artist to entertain the public.

music video question 2:
-set in a school
-teenage life
-stereotypically popular and unpopular characters 

-punk look
-illegal gig

music videos create different representations that are different from each other through the representations of characters. for example, in Teenage dirtbag, the teenagers are represented as stereotypical groups in an American school, like the popular, geek and jock groups. although, in sk8er boi, all the teenagers are shown to be punk looking and doing rebellious actions. these contrasting representations show how music videos differentiate each other and can help support the narrative of the music video.

Monday 25th September
1) Ofcom /
2) BBC /
3) broadcast beneficial for the public /
4) convergence /
5) diversification /
6) conglomerate /

explain two ways that magazines attract their audiences. refer to your knowledge of MOJO magazines to help you.

MOJO magazines offer a free CD to attract the audience, MOJO magazine are the only magazines that do this and it give the magazine another element of entertainment.
MOJO magazine also use the main image to attract their audiences. they use a wide range of popular artist to engage the audience who listen to popular artists.

question three: (ten marks)

radio example:
explain how and why BBC radio has to provide a wider range of content than commercial radio. refer to BBC radio 1 live lounge in your answer

BBC needs to provide a wider range of content than commercial radio because it needs to benefit the public and meet the remit. On the other hand, commercial radio's aim is to make money through advertisements to a large audience. BBC is required to meet the remit, they do this through meeting their target audience, which are ages 15-28 year olds. The BBC radio live lounge uses slang such as "sick" and "big up" to describe their performances and to emphasise the informal language that their target audiences use. The live lounge also provides a wider range of content than commercial radio because they offer a new range of music, this intrigues the audience into listening to the radio and discovering new and different music genres.

 Monday 2nd October
do now:
1) media language refers to mise-en-scene, camera work, sound and editing
2) industry is a business ( in media )  
3) audience is the people who read, watch the media produced
4) representation is the portrayal how something is presented to the audience
5) context is background information that is going on at the time
teenage dirtbag -American high school
popular girl - popular and pretty, uses close up shots and slow motion to represent her importance
loser - costume, editing (shot reverse shot), overlooked, 
jock - close up shots showing importance, positioning of the background characters 

sk8er boi - urban city 
rebellious, illegal gig on top of a car in the middle of the road
low angle shot shows respect
teens are reckless, graffitiing, BMX jumping in building, driving
fast pace editing, handheld camera 

music videos use visual elements and stereotypes to represent the differences from one another. For example, the music video 'Sk8er Boi' uses a female as the main role, she defeats the stereotype of a well behaved female and instead acts on rebellious traits. Avril Lavigne performs reckless acts, which supports the idea of her being rebellious. For example, she performs an illegal gig on top of a car, slowing down traffic and just ultimately being in the way. 

in contrary to this, 'teenage dirtbag' is set in an American high school. the female role in this music video is shown to be a popular high school girl. The use of close up shots show her significance and her importance of her role. She is well-respected and we can see this because she is with the high school jock, who is also shown to be popular and respected. Whereas, the character in Sk8er Boi have to do insubordinate actions to gain attention and popularity. 

Monday 9th October
1) everything in front of the camera, including lighting, costumes, and actors and props 
2) preparing a film by arranging the clips of the videos placed together, slow motion
3) the photography in a film or movie angles and movements used 
4) the sound that you hear in a movie non - diegetic sounds, diegetic sounds and ambient sounds
5) the plot or story in a film or video linear and non linear narrative  

LO - to explore the exam style questions and practice exam technique for Q4 focusing on media language and representations 

Q4: analyse the representation of musicians in the extract from Mojo Magazine

black & white colour -> old fashioned, classic artist, seriousness 
close up -> facial expressions revealing emotions 
text -> lexis 
'arise' 'saving his soul' 'dark night' depressed, trouble past (alliteration) 

the representation in the mojo magazine cover are used to portray an old fashioned and serious feeling, this is shown through the black and white image plastered on the cover. The colour can also give an element of depression due to the lack of bright colours, this proves that the magazine highlights seriousness. The close up shots use reveal the emotions that the main image creates. 

Q4: analyse the representations of age or gender in the extracts from MOJO magazine

black & white colour -> old fashioned, serious 
close up -> looking to the audience to show power
free CD -> murderous element

the representation of gender is clear through the use of media language by creating dominance and power through the main image. the close up shot is used to portray a vision of his expressions showing determination and seriousness. therefore the representations of gender is established as stereotypical male dominance. the colour palette of the cover may also suggest that the magazine is old fashioned, containing classic artist from a long time ago, we can tell this from the black and white shades used to create an old, eerie feeling.

Monday 30th October
1) shot type is how close or far the camera is away from the subject
2) typeface is the design, colour, size and font of text
3) colour palette is the range of colours used in an image to portray a meaning
4) lexis is the words use in the cover lines
5) masthead is the title of the magazine

LO - to explore the exam style questions and practice exam techniques for Q5 focusing on media language and representation

question 5 (15 marks)
- analyse examples of how media language is used differently in the extracts
- make judgements and reach conclusions about whether there are more similarities due to genre conventions than differences in the extracts

- 'babyboomer' generation: a person born in the years following the Second World War, when there was a temporary marked increase in the birth rate
- diversification: the process of varying products
- audience address: how the text speaks to the audience, and involves and influences them
- discerning: having or showing good judgement
- house style: a company's preferred manner of presentation and layout of written material

- how intertextuality can be used to influence meaning
- layout
- typography
- colour palette
- images
- use of lexis
- how the media language portrays reality
- connotations from the media language choices

1) is the layout cluttered or ordered? ordered
2) what does the choice of layout connote? the ordered layout could show that the magazine is targeting their audience at people who are more sophisticated and posh 
3) is the colour palette muted or saturated? muted
4) what does that choice of colour connote? the muted colour palette could be used to represent a contemporary and efficient look

1) is the text mainly serif or sans serif fonts? sans serif font
2) what does that choice of font connote? it could show that the magazine is minimalistic and give the magazine more of a clean look
3) describe the font style of the MAIN COVER LINE. the first part highlights the artists name is a serif font and a different colour to make it look more obvious. 
4) what does that choice of font & colour connote? it makes what the magazine is about more clear to the audience 

1) is the text mainly serif or sans serif fonts? sans serif fonts
2) what does that choice of font connote? gives the magazine a clean, minimal look
3) describe the font style of the MAIN COVER LINE. the main cover line has two different sizes, fonts and colour. 
4) what does that choice of font & colour connote? the size of the text highlights who the magazine is about and shows the main focus. it is a different colour to the rest of the magazine, which gives further emphasis on the name

1) what type of shot is the main image? long shot, wide shot 
2) why was this shot type used? what is it showing? it is showing the full picture of the main image, which is the band, could show the equal importance of each member
3) does the text use a formal or informal register? informal register
4) what does that choice of register connote? can show that they are not serious and shows little care

1) what type of shot is the main image? mid shot
2) why was this shot type used? what is it showing? it can highlight and portray the artists facial expression. it shows that he is serious and intimidating
3) does the text use a formal or informal register? informal
4) what does that choice of register connote? can show the artists personality and what his music is about
shot type - medium long shot
colour palette - saturated
bands / artists mentioned - oasis, guns n' roses, red hot chili peppers, scissor sisters
masthead style - central of the magazine, boldest and largest text on the cover
main cover line style - on top of the masthead, different colour to the minor cover lines
minor cover lines style - all the same colour, shows what is going to be portrayed in the magazine
puff - barcode
USP - free essential Glastonbury CD, win tickets to Glasto 2004 
placement of text - the minor cover lines go around the main image, whilst the masthead and the main cover line overlap the main image

Monday 6th November
'baby boomer' generation - people born after the second world war
diversification - the process of varying products
audience address - how the text involves and influences the audience
discerning - having or showing good judgement
house style - presentation of the media

LO - to explore the exam style questions and practice exam techniques for Q5 focusing on media language and representation

changes in gender roles 
attitude to sexuality 
celebrity culture 
-medium long shot
-david bowie
-vibrant, pastel -> feminine, saturated
-seven artist mention + bowie
-uppercase, sans-serif, shadow, bold
-uppercase, sans-serif, bold, different colour
-uppercase, sans-serif, bold, black and white
-uppercase, serif
-pink and white, same as puff, 
-layout and text placement fits genre codes and conventions  

the colour palette is very bright and saturated consisting of pastel blue, purple, pink, yellow and white. this appears unusual considering that this is a rock magazine that appeal to a male audience. This could highlight the changes in gender roles and show that society is becoming more excepting of males and females in any genre. this whole magazine could imply that not all rock magazines are aimed at males and emphasises feminist feature to expand their audience. 
in contrast to the mojo magazine, the wire magazine incorporates a muted colour palette rather than a saturated palette. The muted colour could be used to portray realism in the magazine, aiming their magazine at a more mature and sophisticated audience. The dark colour palette used in the wire magazine could be used to use emphasise the masculine stereotype and highlight that their main target audience is males. The mojo magazine uses bright coloured typography, whereas the wire magazine uses just white to portray the text colour. this could exhibit the simplicity of the magazine, linking back to the audience of this magazine being mature. ultimately, mojo magazine and the wire are different because the wire proves naturalism and mojo magazine show immaturity.                                                                                                                                                                                                                        
Monday 13th November
1) BBC
2) the tv license
3) ofcom
4) public service broadcast: informs and entertains without trying to make a profit
5) commercial radio and PSB                                                                                                                                                                                   
commercial radio makes money through adverts
a PSB is benefit of the public 

LO - to research the case study. annotate in detail the examples from the case study 

songs: original and cover
Beyoncé - cuff it (covered by Olivia Dean), she is talented because she is singing Beyoncé live

guest info
24 years old, english singer, began her career by collaborating with rudimental, first solo number on the live lounge

quotes from the show to remember
"fair play'', "real deal", "not my first rodeo", "collab", presenters keep it informal

appeal to TA 
her age, slang, informal language 

inform, entertain and educate
uses up and coming artist to introduce the audience to new music, live music, live band with her. 

innovative and cutting edge new UK music         
Olivia Dean.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          who does it appeal to?
15 - 29 year olds
how does it appeal?
by using slang and informal language
what kind of audiences are targeted here?
younger audience
how else does radio one appeal to audiences?
having live music and using upcoming artists
how is commercial radio different?
it's purpose is to make profit from advertising
what are their audience?
older audience, mass audience 
how do they appeal to the audience? 
uses older presenters and formal language (talk about global situations) 

she meets the remit by being in the age gap relevant to the remit. she is an upcoming artist, and provided live music for the audience. along with an interview introducing her, with added slang

Monday 20th November
do now: 
genre codes - type signs (mag, music vid, radio)
intertextuality - reference to another media text
typography - the appearance of print
connotations - suggest of a different association than its literal meaning
lexis - the words used
contextual issues - more gender equality, multicultural society, technology, internet, celebrity

LO - to explore the exam style question for music magazine and music video 
1) female - young, revealing clothing, direct audience address in image, mid shot 
2) yellow - warm, saturated, golden, idea of respect and wealth 
3) sans serif - modern, clean, lower case, colloquial, relaxed and informal 
4) simplified - relaxed, informal

1) male - young, covered, suits (60's clothing), mid-shot, no direct address, performance, focus on live music, lack of sexualisation of men
2) saturated - bright, psychedelic nature of 60's  
3) masthead - sans serif, white, clean, modern, uppercase to show a sense of it showing, cluttered layout

the media language is differentiated in these two magazine by the colour palette used. In the Billboard magazine, Shakira is shown as the main image using a mid shot, this already highlights her importance as she is the main focus of the image. The colour palette in the Billboard magazine uses a bright yellow, golden and saturated colours; this could connote to her wealth as the magazine is filled with gold-looking colours, again highlighting her importance. The colour palette shown in the Mojo magazine is filled with bright, saturated colours. This creates the psychedelic nature of the 1960's, highlighting the informal music that they might produce. 
The layout of the Mojo magazine is very cluttered, with a lot of information added on the front page, this can defect the importance of the band, considering that there is no direct address. However, on the Billboard magazine, minimal information is added on the front page. This shows that the main cover image is shown as more important.
In conclusion, the main image in the Billboard defeats the female stereotype and proving women to be more important than men using bright, saturated colour to highlight her richness. Whilst, the main image on the Mojo magazine differentiates this because the lack of direct address and engagement to the audience. 

Music video:
teenage dirtbag: popular group (jocks) - respected, geeks, not respected (mise-en-scene), victim of bullying
sk8er boi: rebellious, fun, energetic, female leader, equality, respected female, city setting 

mise-en-scene - props, setting, facial expressions
camera shot - angles
editing - natural for teenage dirtbag, fast paced for sk8er boi
sounds - diegetic, non diegetic 



  1. 17/4- Where is your mood board and the further research in to your genre of choice?

  2. 5/6- Some good notes from today, you could have more detail in them. T: 1. Pick out key examples of media language from the cover to analyse and link to audience appeal.

  3. 2:Great notes from the lessons.T: keep practicing applying U&G theory to texts.

  4. 10/10- Excellent detailed analysis, T: 3.Add another paragraph to expand your answer

  5. 20/11- Excellent analysis points. T: 3. Another analysis paragraph needed for your response from the notes we made.


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