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 wedenesday 22nd february

Lights! Camera! Action!

Monday 1st November
LO - To apply narrative theory to our own ideas
1) Sex in the city 
2) ?
3) Harry Potter 
4) ?
5) Polar Express 
6) ?
7) ?
8) ? 

Todorov's narrative theory:
Equilibrium - everything in the film world is normal 
Disruption - something happens 
Recognition of disruption - the protagonist/s realise that something is wrong in their world or discover the disruption
Attempt to solve disruption - the main protagonist goes on a journey to solve the disruption
New equilibrium - the disruption is solved and a new normality occurs

Task one:
Equilibrium - The start of the movie is set in a small, isolated city; the city is normal, there is no destruction, everyone is friendly and it's very serene. Nothing interesting ever happens in this city, everyone lives their life like normal humans; no murder happens, no robberies happen, no car crashes happen and no other laws are broken in this city. In a way, it's the definition of perfect.
Disruption -  This movie is mainly based on a girl named charlie, she is an artist who draws on a daily basis, on her birthday she is given a notepad by her grandma, little does she know that this particular notepad can bring whatever she draws to life... But obviously she doesn't know this, so she goes about her day drawing like she usually would, finally she decides to use the notepad her grandma brought her. The second she opens the notepad, a blue light blinds her eyes for a moment of time, after she regained her eyesight a warning paragraph was written on the inside cover of the book, it said: WARNING: THIS BOOK MUST BE USED FOR IMPORTANT USES ONLY! she didn't know what it meant so she drew an exact drawing of her whole city.
Recognition of disruption - She started to draw random things onto her drawing of the city e.g. cars crashing into buildings, planes exploding, and the city bridge collapsing. She then hears a loud bang outside of her house and realises that there was a car halfway stuck in the middle of a building. Not long after that a plane crash landed on top of a skyscraper. Police sirens fill the city with terror. As soon as charlie stepped out her house she realises that she drew exactly what had just happened
Attempt to solve disruption - Charlie knew she had a lot of power over the city and she wanted to use it to her advantage, she found this city so boring and now she had the power to make it exciting. She made people betray each other, she created chaos and the best thing of it is that she was invincible. Blood covered the walls of the hotels, fire was roaring everywhere, cars were exploding left, right and centre. The whole city was in danger because of this girl. When Charlie thought that is was getting out of hand she tried to undo the chaos she had created, but she couldn't. 
New equilibrium - She ran to grandma to see if she could stop this, but when she came there, she saw her house was roaring with flames. She knew she couldn't do anything about it so she threw the notepad into the house fire she knew she was guilty of doing. She finally gave in and watched the whole city demolish before her eyes...

Monday 15th November 2021                                               Lesson four
LO - To explore the use of camerawork in films
Extreme Close Up
Long Shot 
Establishing Shot 
Medium Close Up

Aerial Shot/Bird's Eye View
Close Up

What are the following camera shots, angles and movements called?
-Movement of the camera up and down is called pedestal
-Movement of the camera from side to side is called panning 
-Movement of the camera and the tripod from left to right is called truck
-Movement of the camera and tripod towards and away from the subject is called Dolly 
-A shot of one eye on a person's face is an extreme close up
-A shot showing all of a person's body is a long shot 
-A shot from the waist to the top of the head is a medium close up 
-An extreme long shot of a building or setting is an establishing shot
-A shot from a window of an airplane is a point of view shot 
-A shot looking up of something/someone is a low angle shot 

Three shots:
-Long Shot - Where he jumped of the bridge 
-Mid Shot - He was shooting someone out of a car 
-Close up Shot  - He was having a conversation with someone 

Monday 29th November 2021
LO - To explore the use of setting and colour in films
1) An isolated house in a rural setting would be good for a horror because it's a sign of abandonment and loneliness, which would be good as it creates a scary atmosphere for a horror.
2) A big city would be good for an action film as there are many props and buildings in order to create chaos and action.
3) A small seaside town would be good for a romantic comedy because a seaside town can be very sociable and romantic. 
4) A range of different countries would be good for an action film as there can be various different cultures to add into an action film. It can also be good as you can do any location.
5) A large modern science laboratory would be good for a science-fiction as you would be in a science atmosphere and you would be able to carry out crazy experiment,  but if it was a romantic film then it wouldn't fit the setting. 

1) blue and red would be good for a new superhero costume as blue and red are often seen as oppositions (positive and negative). Red signifies love and passion, whilst blue connotes to calm and trust.
2) A black suit would be good for a villain as black shows darkness and absence of light, which would to connote to evilness.
3) Bright colours would be good for a comedy as bright colours look and feel energising. An example of this could be a clown; a clown is ideally suppose to be funny with it's bright and illumines colours.

1) In avengers endgame the action takes place in a lot of places e.g. A crash site, a city, the country side and maybe a laboratory 
2) The action might be set in a crash site: Because there is destruction set there anyway; a city: As there are many buildings to blow up; The country side: The country side would be good as there would be a lot of room to fight, almost like an arena; laboratory: This would be good as there are many weird weapons and chemicals used to fight
3) The setting change by using the fade to black transition to slowly introduce a new area
4) The setting might change or affect the behaviour of a character maybe because they might be unknown to this specific place 
5) You could tell where the story was taking place from the camera shots 
6)Yes the story could take place in another location as the story uses many different locations anyway so it wouldn't make a difference 
7)The story could potentially be taken place quite recently as there is colour and the graphics look new 
8)The movie is most probably set in the future as there are weapons and technology that have not been invented
9) Certain colours are used to portray bright colours and action and it also shows the superhero in which are exhibited 
10) Wonder Woman, Captain America and Superman all have the same colour suits. They might have done 
11) Colours are really important in the movie as it shows action and colourfulness 
12) The film wouldn't be as good if it was in black and white as you wouldn't be able to see the colour of the superhero or the colour of the explosives 

I am legend - Looking at the setting of this poster, I think that the genre of this poster an adventure or an action.
28 days later - The setting of this poster looks like it might be a horror or a sci-fi. I think this because red shows blood and death and there is a radioactive symbol in the centre, showing potential sci-fi.
Raiders of the last arc - The background of this poster gives us the idea of adventure as the colours portray a desert, maybe signifying architecture.
Since the scientist description is set 1000 years into the future and that there is a deadly virus going around, I think that the world would look dead. The environment would look dark and mysterious and nothing would look alive, I have chosen this environment idea because it expresses the idea of sci-fi and it gives it a non-humane feeling. I think that the main setting would be a laboratory with many bunkers set around the entire world. In this laboratory they will try and find a cure to this virus (that is not visible). The colour of the laboratory and the bunkers would be pure white. The ratio of the dead, dark world and the white, pure laboratory would stand out. The only colour that is bright is the virus amongst the whole world. 
Monday 13th December 2021            photoshop
LO - To explore different styles of photography
Giants and monsters
Where - Classroom
Who - Paige, Natasha, Abbie 
Who is taking - Paige 
Props - Camera 
Where - In classroom
Who - Paige, Natasha, Abbie
Who is taking - Abbie
Props - Camera and a mirror 
Jump photo
Where - Outside
Who - Paige, Natasha, Abbie
Who is taking - Abbie 
Props - Camera
Looking Up
Where - In the classroom
Who - Paige, Natasha, Abbie
Who is taking - Natasha 
Props - Camera 
Ground level
Where - Outside 
Who - Paige, Natasha, Abbie 
Who is taking - Paige
Props - Camera

Giants And Monsters

Looking Up
Ground Level
Jump Shot 

Monday 10th January 2022
LO - To explore the use of sounds in films
Horror film - The sound you would hear in a horror film would be high-pitched and suspenseful music, you could also hear creaking of floorboards or broken objects.

Action film - The sound you would hear in an action film would be diegetic music. It would often be upbeat music, you could also hear gunshots or flames in the background.
Thriller - You might hear instrumental music in an thriller, you might also hear suspenseful music 

diegetic - sound that comes from the setting of the film
non-diegetic - sound that comes from our world

The matrix trailer
-glass breaking

-mind explosive

most of the sounds that you hear on a film are added after filming. This is because most microphones pick up too much noise which can sound muddled.
-Everyday sound for film making 
-These sounds can be anything from swishing of clothing and footsteps, to breaking glass and squeaky doors
-It creates a sense of reality within a scene, movie would feel naturally uncomfortable and quite without these sounds

The present (foley sounds)
gunshots, door opening, tapping on his chair, voices, blinds opening, phone ringing, footsteps, dog barking, box falling, dog rolling, crashing, banging, ball hitting the box, dog falling in the box, expressions, dog panting, crutches

1) yes, there is music in the scene
2) The music makes me feel engaged
3) You hear voices when the music changes
4) People either fighting or talking
5) Yes would be able to tell what the film would look like if there was only sounds because you can tell by the music that there is chaos and destruction 
6) There is a moment of silence when the camera looks over the broken buildings and broken items to show the destruction
7) The characters sound serious 
8) I am not sure what I would do as a voiceover
9) You can hear gunshots and explosions 
10) The voices are louder in the scene than they would be in real life

.Alien noises
.Doors opening and closing 
.Technology noises

Monday 24th January 2022
LO - to explore the use of mise-en-scene in films
1) Home alone
2) Iron man 
3) Spider man
4) Titanic
5) Pirates of the caribbean 
6) Transformers
7) The incredibles 
8) The lion king
9) Return of the jedi
10) Finding nemo

Whose room is this?
-potentially a male

-Its is a french term meaning what is put into a scene or frame
-visual information in front of the camera
-MES communicates essential information to the audience. Each aspect of mise-en-scene has hidden meanings within the film and sends signals to the audience about how we are suppose to feel or about a character.

Settings and props
science-fiction film - In a sci-fi film the setting would be a laboratory in a world that has been destructed by some sort of alien creatures, the props would be futuristic weapons that nobody has ever seen before, but they are very powerful.
Romantic comedy - Ideally I think that a romance would be set on a beach, but then something goes wrong, which then is suppose to be humorous for the audience. The props that would be in a rom com would probably be something you would take on a date.
horror - In a horror the atmosphere would be silent and suspenseful, the environment would look and feel abandoned. When I think of horror movie props I think that there would be many weapons or a torch that doesn't work.

Costume, hair and makeup
In the first image the character is stereotyped to look like an explorer, this is because his skin looks sweaty to show he is constantly active, and his clothes look like he doesn't look after himself.
In the second image the person looks like a rich, wealthy and shows that she looks after herself, but her facial expressions shows that she doesn't care for people and is selfish.
In third image the person looks like a psychopath, his clothes looks like he is a smart, impressive man, but his face suggest otherwise.

Facial expressions and body language
In the first scene everyone at the dinner table looks like they have received bad news or something has happened that made everything awkward.
In the second image everyone in the image looks intimidating and scary. Their body looks sweaty, perhaps showing that they have just been involved in a fight 

Lighting and colour
-To highlight important characters or objects within the frame
-To make characters look mysterious by shading sections of the face and body 
-To reflect a characters mental state/hidden emotions
Low key lighting - produces sharp contrasts of light and dark areas. Deep, distinct shadows/ silhouettes are formed
High key lighting - Lighting is natural and realistic to our eyes. Produces brightly lit sets or a sunny day

The picture on the slide has a low key lighting as the picture isn't very bright and is very dark to our eyes 

Positioning of people/objects
positioning within a frame can draw our attention to an important character/ object
A film-maker can use positioning to indicate relationships between people
-In the first image the people on the sofa looks like they have just been in an argument because 
they a sitting away from each other looking frustrated 
-In the second image the people with guns look like the are working together since they are standing side by side ready to shoot.

Monday 7th February 2022
LO - To experiment with foley and sound effects
In the image the setting shows three men indoors, there are many props located in this image such as candles that might symbolise some sort of peace or maybe a religion, weapons that connotes to violence and death an1205d there is also food that might suggest that they are going to have a meal. The costumes in this image look fancy and rich, so these people in the image are probably important, but the one in the middle seem more superior as he is wearing different clothes to the ones by his side, his hair makes him look like a pirate along with his hat. The facial expressions look serious as if t1hey are dealing with important information, their body language also suggest this as he looks like he is about to say something. This image uses low-key lighting, they have done this to show different aspects of the image.

Creative task
1000 years in the future... Every year electronics expand and grow, but this is the year where they test their devices on aliens. Nobody knows where these aliens come from, but many people think they are deadly. All of these high-tech weapons are sat in a lab, but not just any lab. This lab is set in London, as you walk in you would get blinded by the spotless white walls; two doors either side that welcomes you as you walk in, which leads you into an open space filled with subjects ready for testing. In this open space there are many tubes surrounding you. At the end of this open space there is a door labelled "TESTING", inside you will find a LOT of science equipment spread everywhere; this place is very unorganised. In the centre of this room, lay a dissecting table with the deadly creature unconscious laying on it.

Clip one
-draw opening              
-toilet flushing 
-tap running 
-mirror turning
-jam spreading
-milk being put on the shelf
-heavy breathing

WWW: we made many sounds using resources
EBI: have a more quieter background in order to hear the noises

Wednesday 4th March 2022   My disaster movie
1. the day after tomorrow
2. 2012
3. impossible
4. war of the worlds
5. Godzilla 
6. twister

Trailer 1
1. main character  - John Garrity 
2. settings - has an artic climate, this temperature is cold
3. actions - comets and explosions 
4. props - there are a lot of cars
5. colour - quite bright colours because of the explosions
6. narrative - a family who are trying to run away from the comets 

Trailer 2
1. main character  - a family                 
2. settings - starts of at a beach but then a tsunami comes and wipes it out 
3. actions - a tsunami
4. props - broken objects floating in the tsunami
5. colour - bright at the beginning and then dark towards the middle/end
6. narrative - a family who are trying to survive a tsunami

my movie - artic mayhem
As you can tell by the title, this movie is going to be set in the artic where the temperature is freezing cold. The main characters in the film belong in a trio. One of them is called Ria, she is 16 years old and homeschooled. Another one of them is called Wyatt he is strongly built and he lives in a small cottage on the edge of their island. Finally, the last one is called Elijah he is very rich and has a good education. everyday this trio meets up and tries to survive the disaster that their island creates together. Each of their families are rough with them at home so the only feel safe around each other. a bolder crashes down and hits the village nearby, every since that incident happens massive avalanches come down crashing on the village, but he people are not allowed to evacuate

This film would be set in one of the coldest islands in the world. The movie would use cold colours to show darkness of the disaster. the camera is going to look straight at the people, but when the disasters happen it is going to be a high view to look over the village. The message behind this film is to adapt to your surrounding and try to find a solution to anything. In terms of costumes, one half of the village it to look poor and the other half is to look rich for comparison.

Monday 28th March 2022
LO - to effectively develop an idea for a disaster movie
1 - life-threatening disaster
2 - problem
3 - a hero
4 - family 
5 - world-wide impact
6 - setting

Narrative theory
equilibrium - This film is set in a village, this village adapts to it's freezing temperature. Everything about this village is normalised, until something that they have never witnessed happened.
disruption - A massive avalanche launches on the border line of the village, little did they know this avalanche is going to cost them their lives
recognition of disruption - After realising that many other avalanches were going to seek upon their village; Ria, Wyatt and Elijah go out of their way to try and prevent this disaster from destroying their lives
attempt to solve - Time is running out and every solution they have tried resulted in many more disasters filling their path. Realising nothing is going to work they all try to evacuate the island.
new equilibrium - after 2 years the village finally normalised again

The hero - Ria, Wyatt and Elijah (they work together to try and stop the disaster)
Villain - Mayor Miller (against trying to prevent the avalanches)
The donor - The scientist gives them information to help them
The helper - The whole village contributes because they want to save themselves
The princess - The princess is going to be the village because they are working to keep the village safe 
The dispatcher - Ria, Wyatt and Elijah assigned themselves on the mission 
The princess' father - Mayor Millers father has been keeping the village protected for 50 years, so he is relying on the trio to save it 
The false hero - After they saved the village Mayor Miller made it look like he was the hero and heroically saved the village

Monday 25th April 2022
LO - to effectively develop an idea for a disaster movie
adapting to its freezing temperature, a village suffers a drastic change in temperature. As time goes on snow is accumulating, avalanches are increasing and people are freezing. Ria, Wyatt and Elijah liaise with each other to overcome this problem. After finding out many more avalanches were going to seek upon the village, they realise it's going to take more than three people to dave the village, how will they do it?

1. "I am hungry" - The actor could hold their stomach and when they receive the food they either eat really quick to show their hunger or savour their food.

2. "I've lost the cat!" - In this scene I would make the actor look scared and/or shocked 

3. "I am so tired" - I would make the actor yawn or rub their eyes to show tiredness


Ria exits her house to 3ft of snow piled in front

       Wyatt where are you!?

       Wyatt we need you, the snow is getting too heavy

       We should split up and try to find Wyatt separately
       Okay! ill check the mountain 
       What! have you seen the avalanches. One strike and you 
       be six feet covered in snow
        I will be fine! Trust me 

Elijah gives Ria a faded smile in hope she trust him 
       Okay but be careful, the last thing I need is another
       friend go missing.
       As soon as I find him we will come straight to you 

One hour passes, Elijah is walking on his knees through the snow in search of Wyatt, he yells in anger:
       WYATT!... WYATT!

Elijah sees a shadow figure in a hut nearby 

       Wyatt? Is that you 
      he shudders in a caution 

       Elijah! Thank god you came, I had no chance making it 
       down that mountain alone 

       What were you thinking! Me and Ria were worried sick
       sick about you 

       I.. Can expl-
       I can't deal with you right now. We need to go before
       the next avalanche hits

Wyatt and Elijah walk silently side by side making their way down the mountain 

A loud noise comes up behind them, but before they can turn around a flood of snow overtook them 

Monday 9th May 2022          industry
LO - to explore how a film is made and the various industry role
the big six

1 - Disney
2 - Sony pictures
3 - universal
4 - warner brothers 
5 - paramount
6 - 20th century fox

film industry jobs
-makeup artist
-prop designer
-script writer

director - they are the one ultimately in charge of the production and the ones who control the play
gaffer - gaffers work closely with the director of photography to bring the overall look of the production by creating and controlling light 
actor - An Actor portrays a character in a film, using their physical presence or voice. It involves researching every aspect of the character, memorising dialogue the screenwriter has written and developing their own emotional life so it can be authentic on screen

studio executives
-the film goes to the studio executives

pre-production - work done on a product, especially a film or a broadcast programme, before full-scale production begins  
production - the raw footage and other elements of the film are recorded during the film shoot, including principal photography
post production - work done on a film or recording after filming or recording has taken place

film distribution
-preview of deleted scenes 
-character peaks
-release behind the scenes 

The colour of this poster is focused on cold colours which can give the feeling of sadness and demotivation. The massive tsunami shows what disaster will be portrayed. The statue of liberty has a snorkel mask which can give us a hint of survival from the tsunami.

Monday 13th June 2022     Movie marketing
LO - to create film marketing material
movie poster conventions:
-Actors and directors
-Release date
I used an image, title and sub-title, but i didn't get enough time to do the other conventions. I think I could do a better layout for my conventions. I like the images of my poster because they blend into each other. I would improve the layout of my poster. 

Monday 27th June 2022
LO - to create a trailer

The batman:
1) they used some text to show some of the actors 
2) they added some voice overs

shot type: The shot type varies depending on what scene it is 
action: yes 
sound - diegetic: crashing of avalanches and explosions
sound - non-diegetic: music in the background (intense music)


  1. 29/11- great notes, Target: 2. more detail in the colour choices for the film idea, explain the choices you make.

  2. 4/1/22- Good experimenting with styles, T: think about the backdrop and what is in it.

  3. 24/1 Some good work here, but you have it in an outline box for some reason and I can't see it all, please check and change so I can read it.

  4. 15/3- Good initial ideas for the storyline. T: 2. More detail in Describing when and where your film is set
    3. More detail on what is the overall mood of the film? How will you show this through costumes or settings?
    4.More detail on how should your film be shot? You could consider special effects, CGI, camera angles, Steadicam, tripod or handheld cameras, colours used and anything else.
    5. More detail on what is the message behind your film?

  5. 25/4- Excellent script writing and detail. T: 4. Try adding stage directions to include how the dialogue is said.

  6. 23/5- T3: absent, choose a disaster movie poster and analyse key elements such as imagery, colour palette and tag line.

  7. 27/6- Great start to your storyboard. T Now complete the last 4 frames to finish your trailer, don't forget the title slide and the release date. Also you need to cover what sound is in each frame.


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