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 wedenesday 22nd february

Media Language Analysis

Wednesday 6th October 
LO- To analyse a media text using Media Language

-The camera shot is a long medium shot
-They have chosen this shot to portray his personality and to capture his expression. The poster wouldn't be ideal if it was a long shot because although you can see his body you won't be able too see his facial expressions, but if if was a close up shot you wouldn't be able to see what he wears and the fact that he has a gun in his holster. 

The clothing in the poster shows casual, dark clothes with gloves, they have done this to show that he is some sort of hitman because he wouldn't want his fingerprints anywhere and get caught. The props in the poster also signify him being a hitman as he has a holster for a gun, this connotes to violence and death exhibiting the fact that this film is a violent, action film. The expression on his face also contributes to the fact that he is a hitman because his facial expression is serious and that he is dedicated to his job/role. The background is a metallic, gold-looking texture, perhaps signifying wealth and strength during the movie.

Diegetic sounds
Voices- To create an idea of what the film is like 
Gunshots- To suggest that this is an action film and to entice people to watch it 
Car Crash- To create a dangerous, suspenseful atmosphere
Punches- To show what the is like violence in the movie 
explosion- To create a scene

-Quick transitions at the beginning to show action and violence, but then in the middle of the trailer it starts to go slow to portray their emotions, they do this by using the faded to black transition, which can also mean a break in time, and then at the end the transitions begin going quick again to build tension.

Camerashot - Venom
The camera shot varies in this poster, the camera shot for the people in the background is a longshot, but the camera shot for Venom is a mid-shot. They have used a longshot to express the destruction in the background that Venom has done, they have also used those two shots to compare the different sizes of the venom and the people to make the people look more vulnerable compared to venom.

They have added many different props into this poster, such as police cars, maybe portraying chaos and destruction, the clothes they wear also maybe show they are part of an agency of some sort trying to work out what venom is.

Wednesday 13th October
-Fade to black transition
-Pace of transitions varies throughout the trailer 
-Special effects (CGI (computer generated images) supernatural effects)

The editing in the 'Dune' Trailer creates a suspenseful feeling towards the reader; they do this by adding a fade to black transition to exhibit the characters feelings and emotions. For example, at the beginning, the pace of the trailer was slow; this adds fondness to the trailer as it slowly expresses their emotions. On top of that, the trailer also has an added fade to black transition to portray suspense towards the audience.




  1. This is a fantastic first analysis Paige! Well done.
    WWW: you've used lots of accurate terminology
    EBI: you try to use the term 'connotes' or 'connotations' more (I spotted it once).


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