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 wedenesday 22nd february

careers behind the camera

Wednesday 20th October 2021 
LO - To explore possible film industry roles and career paths 
1- Floor runner - They run errands, convey messages, look after cast and crew , make drinks and provide food, drive and deliver kit.
2- Gaffer - Working closely with the director of photography (DoP), they help bring a film to life by creating and controlling lighting.
3- Grip -  They make sure that what the director and the director of photography (DoP) want to achieve on a shoot is possible. While directors think of the artistry of the shots, these people help work out how they are going to move the cameras to make that happen.
4- Tucker - Doesn't exist.

Words to describe the mood and atmosphere of no time to die:
Which moment has the most tension:
-When he jumps off the bridge :D

Prediction - 25 cuts 
Answer - 25 cuts 

I don't agree with the fact that 'the greater the frequency of the cuts the greater the tension' because you can create tension from other ways such as slow cuts, silence, stillness and sounds.

How many times was a...
Camera shown: The camera shots where shown eight times; on things like rails, cars and helicopter.
Reflection shown: There were four reflective shots, which was shown on things such as windows, glasses etc.

In order to take a reflective picture without being seen, you would need to angle yourself to the side and the person you would be taking a picture of would need to be central to the mirror so you can take a picture from the side without being seen.


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