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 wedenesday 22nd february

Theoretical Framework

 Wednesday 29th September 
LO - To apply the theoretical framework to the media texts 

Media Language 
-All the different elements used to construct any media product 
shot size- 
Establishing Shot - Usually opening of the scene, transition between scenes, where the scene takes place
Wide Shot - Places a object/person in a location
Long/Full shot - Shows the object within their surroundings
Medium Long/Full Shot - Shows character from their knees up 
Medium/Mid Shot - Shows from the top of their head to their waste 
Medium Close Up Shot - A shot just above their head to the middle of their torso
Close Up - Shows their face to portray their different feelings 
High Angle - Camera is looking down 
Low Angle - Camera is looking up
Soundtrack includes all sound in a film/TV show
-Sound Effects
Diegetic - When the character hears what is being filmed
Non Diegetic - Soundtracks that have been added separately to the film

The Bourne Identity (Diegetic) - Punches, stabbing, voices, objects falling, footsteps, paper, bone breaking, 

-Mise-en scene
-Hair & Makeup
-Actor positioning
-Body language and facial expression 

-Pace & speed of cuts
-Green screening 


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