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 wedenesday 22nd february

Creating Meaning

Wednesday 22nd September      
LO - To analyse texts using the correct terminology 

subject position
-Our subject position is everything that goes to make up what we are and where we fit in the world.
-My subject position is a female, 13 years old, white, straight, lives in Cornwall, student, footballer and programmer 

This Magazine cover is aimed at people who enjoy doing art and DIY editing, although people who don't enjoy art may not be interested into this magazine as it will be about art :D

Denotation - The dictionary definition 
Connotation - The deeper meaning - what we associate with the word
ROSE - Love, passion, romance, death, duality 

1- denote - gun
connote - death, danger, criminal, police, injury, violence, authority 
2- denote - clown 
connote - circus, horror, killer, not funny
3- denote - Thor
connote - powerful, death, superhero, avengers, lightning, hammer, force  

This poster may portray death as there is blood dripping down half way through his body potentially meaning that he dies, maybe by overdose of painkillers. It may also mean that the painkillers may be slowly taking away his life as half his body has gone. The background is white perhaps meaning that he doesn't take notice of this objects surrounding him and maybe he is trapped inside his mind. The expression on his face also determines sadness and sorrowfulness perhaps portraying the fact something had happened to him in the past.


  1. Good attempt - try to make sure you explain which elements connote what ideas


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